When the calendar rolled over to November yesterday, I immediately started thinking about Thanksgiving. It is one of my favorite holidays. I love its call to reflection and appreciation.

This year, I find myself meditating not just on the things I’m grateful for, but the impact gratitude has on my life.

So often my prayers, my thoughts, my efforts are all poured into the things about my life, our world that I wish were different. All of my resources are spent trying to effect change. And, I’m left consumed by discontent.

All-consuming discontent is a weapon of mass destruction. When armed with it, my words are harsh. I’m self-righteous and indignant. Instead of being a peace-maker, I stir the pot of anger, bitterness and resentment.

I believe there is a place for holy discontent. When the brokenness of this life stirs my heart, I should move. But, that movement is best when it arises from a place of stillness that is only bred by contentment.

Contentment is the water that fills my well of energy. In its presence, the clouds of anger that make clear thinking impossible vanish. Contentment washes my words and actions in grace.

The best way I know to cultivate contentment is gratitude. Meditating on what I’m thankful for is as satisfying to the soul as a Thanksgiving feast is to the belly.

This month I’m growing contentment. I’m choosing gratitude. I’m meditating on all that I have to be thankful for. So, when holy discontent stirs my soul, I’ll be ready to move.

Do you agree that all-consuming discontent is a weapon? What are you thankful for today? How has a spirit of gratitude impacted your life?

This article has 4 comments

  1. Megan at SortaCrunchy Reply

    Honestly, I’ve never thought of it this way before. I’ve seen discontent as a motivator, but without purposeful gratitude to balance it out … yeah. I guess it can be destructive. Thanks for inspiring me to think of this in a new way, Jennifer.

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